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Industrial OEM Analog Joystick

Understanding the Progression of Joystick Technologies

F1000 Series Analog Industrial Joystick

CTI’s precision control industrial joysticks (F Series mini joysticks) feature an inductive (non-contacting) design, which ensures a much longer lifespan than other types of joysticks (potentiometer, hall effect, resistive, contacting). These analog industrial joysticks are extremely precise, highly reliable, rugged, and drift-free. The F1000 Series OEM industrial joystick design provides an excellent feel, which is very responsive to touch, more user friendly than a touchpad, and therefore provides a higher degree of precision control.

CTI’s OEM industrial joystick provides a NEMA 4 (IP66) sealing and can be manufactured with the following options; protection from extreme operating temperatures (-40°C to +80°C), electronic component protection from rapid changes in temperature causing condensation or areas of high humidity (conformal PCB coating), protection from EMI/RFI signals, and a redundant safety feature (Optical Neutral “Safety” Switch). This rugged industrial joystick is ideally suited for harsh environments, dirty environments (liquids or solid debris matter), precision control instrumentation, and limited physical mounting surfaces (e.g. wheel chair joysticks). The F1000 Series industrial joysticks have numerous applications in a variety of industries (e.g. aerospace, military, marine, medical, transportation). CTI’s OEM industrial joystick is also available as a USB FlightStick, a.k.a. sidewinder joystick, gaming joystick, flight simulator controller, see CTIs Industrial Motion Controllers.

Today we offer 10 different industrial joystick knob selections which include four non-pushbutton models (N5, N2, N24, N54) four pushbutton models (N3, N33, N63, N34), and two 3 Axes models (N82, N84).  All of these industrial joystick models have the exact same mounting holes making it very easy for mechanical designer.  

The F1000 Series industrial joystick is also offered as an Industrial Mouse™.  CTI provides an analog to digital interface card that uses a standard computer mouse protocol (via Serial, PS/2, or USB) to communication with the host computer.  CTI’s industrial joysticks are known as one of the best Industrial Mouse™ pointing devices available anywhere in the world.

F-Series Analog Joysticks

F-Series OEM Analog Joystick Category Image

F1000 Series Medical Joystick

CTI has taken the F1000 Series one step further by designing a Medical Joystick suited for medical and clinical environments where contamination visibility is a requirement.  These Medical Joysticks offer the same quality characteristics as the standard precision control industrial joysticks.  The non-contacting inductive design provides high reliability, ensuring a much longer lifespan than other types of joysticks. The medical joystick is extremely precise, excellent tactile feel, and very responsive to the touch. These medical joysticks offer an esthetically clean white FDA silicone boot and white joystick knob which allows the user to easily detect bio-hazardous materials on the device.   A NEMA 4 (IP66) sealing protects against the ingress is liquids and/or solid debris while the FDA siliconee boot protects against bacterial growth, allowing cleaning with disinfectants, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral solutions.

CTI's Medical joysticks are available as a computer pointing device (a.k.a. Industrial Mouse™) available in Serial, PS/2, or USB interfaces.  Or, these medical joysticks are available as motion control devices (USB Joystick, USB FlightStick, a.k.a. sidewinder joysticks) and offered with either an analog or USB interface. For more information about joysticks being used as motion control devices see CTIs Industrial Motion Controllers.

F1000 Series Medical Joysticks

F1000 Series Analog Joystick Category Image

H0000 Series Industrial Joystick

CTI's heavy duty, full size industrial joysticks (H Series heavy duty joysticks) have been deployed around the globe for over 25 years. The H-Series industrial joystick is the predecessor to the F Series industrial joystick which offers a similar non-contacting inductive design in a larger size model. The H0000 Series industrial joysticks are a retired product line and are only available to existing customers. This analog heavy duty joystick is extremely precise, highly reliable, rugged, and drift-free.

These OEM industrial joysticks are supplied with interface electronics and NEMA 4 (IP66) (single or dual axes models) or NEMA 12 (IP54) (3 axes model) sealing. This heavy duty industrial joystick was designed and suited for harsh environments, heavy equipment machinery, and manufacturing/processing facilities. Without compromise, both the F1000 Series and H0000 Series industrial joysticks are simply the most durable and reliable joysticks available on the market today.

H0000 Series Industrial Joysticks

H-Series Industrial Joystick Category Image (Legacy)
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