CTI Electronics Telephone Number: +1 203-386-9779
When Reliability is Critical | CTI Electronics Corporation

F1000-N2W Model Medical Joystick RFQ Form

F1000-N2W Model Medical Joystick

NEMA 4 (IP66) Medical Analog Joystick

  • NEMA 4 (IP66) Analog Joystick
  • 1.6in (40.46mm) height
  • Single Axes or Dual Axes

  • Contact Information
    *Required Fields
    Full Name*   Company Name*
    Address 1   Address 2
    City   State
    ZIP/Post Code   Country*
    Phone*   Fax

    Industrial Analog Joystick Information and Options

    (Please answer all questions to get the most accurate quotation)

    Describe the application of the Joystick:

    Describe the tasks an Operator will perform while using the Joystick:

    Environment of Usage
    Indoor Outdoor Other:

    Desired Number of Axes of Movement?
    Single Axis Dual Axes

    Analog Input/Output Interface*:
    Option Regulated Input
    Voltage (DC)
    Min Deflection Output Voltage Output Center Voltage Max Deflection Output Voltage
    0 +12 3 6 9
    1 +5 1.25 2.5 3.75
    2 +/-5 -5 0 5
    3 +/-12 -10 0 10
    4 +5 0.5 2.5 4.5
    5 +5 0 2.5 5
    6 +/-10 -10 0 10
    Other Specify:

    Operating Temperature
    (-40°C to 0°C) (0°C to +40°C) (+40°C to +80°C) Other:

    Hazardous Substances
    Yes No
    If Yes, check all that apply.

    Liquids   Water Oil Grease Bio-Hazard Chemical Other:
    Solids   Dirt Dust Food Bio-Hazard Chemical Other:
    High Emission Signal EMI RFI Specifics :

    Does your application require Conformal Coating on PCB?
    Conformal Coating on the PCB protects electrical components from moisture and prolongs life. Conformal Coating is used when the environment may contain moisture caused by either condensation from high humidity or rapid changes in temperature.
    Yes No

    Does your application require a Deadband?
    Typically most Analog applications will require the use of a Deadband, whereas digital applications require a joystick without a Deadband. When a joystick has a Deadband of 2 degrees about center the output voltage will remain constant with a slight movement off center. When a joystick is without a Deadband, the output voltage will change with the slightest movement off center.
    Yes No

    Does your application require an Optical Neutral "Safety" Switch?
    CTI's patented Optical Neutral Switch is a "circuit safety or operations normal" signal, it is a Redundant Circuit Open/Short Indicator, for your application. This optical indicator is a totally separate, independent and complementary signal from the Vx, Vy, and Vz output signals, which indicates that the joystick is either on or off center. Note: This feature is only available with the +5V, ±5V models.
    Ex 1: Analog +5V or ±5V Input Signals, 0V output on center, +5V output off center

    Yes No

    Does your application require a Conductive Boot & Ferrite Bead?
    Conductive Boots & Ferrite Beads are used in applications where the joystick is exposed to high attenuation levels of Electro-Magnetic waves or Radio Frequency signals (i.e. hand-held wireless controls). The addition of a Conductive Boot & Ferrite Bead reduces interference or feedback within the electrical circuitry.
    Yes No

    Specify Spring Type:
    A Maximum Compression Spring is used when the operator is wearing heavy gloves or when the application requires a greater stiffness in the movement of the joystick.
    Example: Mobile applications subjected to high vibrations such as airplanes, helicopters, marine vessels, trucks, etc.
    Standard Spring Maximum Compression Spring

    Specify Mounting Thread Type:
    4-40 Threads 3mm Threads

    Will the Operator of the Industrial Analog Joystick be using gloves? Yes No
    Heavy/Thick Flexible/Thin Other:

    Prototype Time Frame Production Time Frame
    Prototype Quantity Production Quantity

    Additional Information or other requirements of the application:

    Case Sensitive CAPTCHA Code


    CTI Electronics Corporation
    110 Old South Avenue
    Stratford, CT 06615-7314
    or call us
    Telephone:+1 203-386-9779
    Fax: +1 203-378-4986

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