CTI Electronics Telephone Number: +1 203-386-9779

KIF8000 Industrial Keyboard RFQ Form

KIF8000 Series Industrial Keyboard

NEMA 4/4X (IP66) Sealed Industrial Keyboards w/ Industrial Mouse™

  • NEMA 4/4X (IP66) Plug-n-Play Industrial Keyboard
  • Syn-Proof™ coating resists most oils and harsh chemicals
  • Excellent tactile feel, 2mm key travel
  • Mid-Size Keyboard
  • Industrial Mouse™ Pointer
  • 9.5ft (290cm) Standard Cable Length

  • Contact Information
    *Required Fields
    Full Name*   Company Name*
    Address 1   Address 2
    City   State
    ZIP/Post Code   Country*
    Phone*   Fax

    Industrial Plug-n-Play Keyboard Information and Options

    (Please answer all questions to get the most accurate quotation)
    Describe the application of the Industrial Keyboard

    Enclosure Options
    Stainless Steel Black Aluminum Beige Aluminum

    Keyboard Language Options
    Italian QWERTY Portuguese QWERTY Other:

    Environment of Usage
    Indoor Outdoor Other:

    Operating Temperature
    (-40°C to 0°C) (0°C to +40°C) (+40°C to +80°C) Other:

    Hazardous Substances
    Yes No
    If Yes, check all that apply.

    Liquids   Water Oil Grease Bio-Hazard Chemical Other:
    Solids   Dirt Dust Food Bio-Hazard Chemical Other:
    High Emission Signal EMI RFI Specifics :

    Describe the tasks an Operator will perform while using the Industrial Mouse Pointing Device:

    How many hours of an eight hour day will the Industrial Mouse be used?

    Knob Options:
    F-Series Ananlog

    if you have chosen an  Industrial Mouse™ please choose a joystick knob

    N5 N2 N24 N54 N3 N33 N63 N34 N82 N84

    Operating System:
    Windows Solaris Unix Real-Time Other:

    Communication Interface*:
    USB PS/2 AT-Port Other:

    Optional NEMA 4 (IP66) sealing Bulkhead Panel Cable Set: Yes No
    CTI can manufacture the Plug-n-Play and Rack-Mount Industrial Keyboards with a cable having a twist on
    Plug that connects to a Panel. A cut-out is made in the Panel and the second half of the cable (behind panel)
    set is securely fastened into the panel cut-out. The behind panel cable will then be connected the the
    computer system via a standard USB or PS/2 plug(s).

    USB Cable Length PS/2 Cable Length

    Backlighting / Illumination *
    No Green LED Red LED Other:(ex.NVIS)

    Prototype Time Frame Production Time Frame
    Prototype Quantity Production Quantity

    Additional Information

    Case Sensitive CAPTCHA

    *This is RFQ Form is for KIF8000 Industrial Keyboard

    Manufactured in U.S.A. Manufactured in U.S.A. Copyright © 2001-2024 | CTI Electronics | All Rights Reserved