Industrial Switch Information and Options (Please answer all questions to get the most accurate quotation) Application of the Industrial Switch
Legend Symbol*: : Arrow Keys ArrowMouse™ S1-S6 Keys 6 Function Switch pad
Operating Temperature : +40°C to +80°C (default) Other:
Hazardous Substances: Yes No If Yes, check all that apply.
Coating on Silicone Rubber: SynProof™ (default) Parylene(special) CTI applies a specially formed flexible polyurethane coating to protect against oil, sand and harsh chemicals. On special orders a Parylene coating can be applied Backlighting / Illumination LEDs* No Green Red Other: (ex. NVIS)
LED Wiring Options: Wired Together for backlighting Wired Seperately for individual indicators
Ribbon Cable Length: 4.5 inches 8 inches Other:
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